Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Birds

We have 2 different types of chickens here. The white ones are cornish crosses, meat birds. They are larger than they should be for butchering. Their breast meat will be great, but the rest will only be good for soup. The hens are now laying.

The brown chickens are Buff Orpingtons. They are my favorite egg layer. They lay brown eggs all year long. They slow down in the Minnesota winter, but they do not stop. They are a very hardy bird, only for eggs and possibly soup.

The funny looking creatures are our Turkies. They are really dumb birds. We have to lock them up at night because they like to be caught by predators and killed. They run around saying "beep, beep, beep."

Next I will post about those other flying creatures...flies! My most hated, ok, tied with mosquitoes, flying bug / insect.

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